Stabling for your horse
Stretch, graze, sleep, eat and relax.

Stalls, Paddocks, Washrack, and Arena/Pasture
The north side of the barn, (shown in photo) has three open, nicely-lit 12 x 12'stalls. It is a six-stall barn with three horses permanently living here. There are two 24 x 36' attached paddocks. Each stall has a back door which can be left open or closed for feeding, or in severe weather. Stalls are wood-lined with heavy 2x6" pine. Horses like this barn because they can see other horses through the slits in the stalls and don't feel claustrophobic.
Each stall comes with two five-gallon buckets, an automatic waterer, and more buckets can be added in the paddocks or as needed. One bag of pine shavings is provided per stall.
The paddocks have exterior lighting, making for easy night-time arrival. You will find an outdoor washrack behind the barn. There is also a one-acre lighted pasture/arena which you can use for riding or additional turnout.
Overnight stabling does not include feed, but if you need hay, call in advance. We will try to purchase hay for you locally in advance. Most Dripping Springs feed stores close at 5 p.m.
We can not accept stallions.

These are the 24x36' lighted paddocks. The middle section is fenced on both sides for additional safety. Each has a back entrance, and additional horses can be housed in the paddocks, if necessary.

Arena & Pasture
The property has a one-acre lighted pasture which has a 70' x 115' ground-granite arena (suitable for schooling, dressage, and jumping), a lighted pavilion with table seating six, and obstables in the pasture.

The Stalls
The wood-lined stalls have a caliche base, topped with thick rubber mats and pine shavings. Each are 12x12.' Each has an aisle door and back door, which can be closed in inclement weather or if hosting additional horses in the paddocks. Two five-gallon buckets are provided, as well as the automatic waterer.

Built on a concrete base, the outdoor washrack is convenient to use and lit at night.